Why today is a big day for vegan London

Today is a monumental day for vegan London and I want to share a few thoughts with all of you.

Only a fraction of us get a chance to really understand what it is like to open our own business. It is consuming and terrifying.

As Rebecca and Pat open the doors today of the second permanent location of their superstar vegan food business, Temple of Seitan, I want to send a very heartfelt ‘thank you’ to both of them.

For anyone who hasn’t been in the situation of launching their own business, start by imagining your ability to pay your bills, rent and food expenses being gambled on one of the most notoriously risky business models in our modern world.

Think of the feelings associated with risking everything. Now multiply those feelings ten times and consider what it is like to have that with you 24 hours a day. Yes, even in your sleep.

As Temple of Camden welcomes the crowds today, I send my deep and very real gratitude to Rebecca and Pat.

They have put untold energy (both physical and emotional) into securing the future of their vegan business. This business is not just a way for them to make money, rather it has captured the imagination and attention of the mainstream and is shaping the way people see veganism.

Their delicious food (and the carefully crafted cool image of their stores) is making a lot of people believe they can make the change to a vegan life. They are actually building a bridge to veganism over which hundreds of people are rushing.

They are making veganism seem achievable for thousands of people.

But Temple of Camden is more than just vegan activism. It is the safeguarding of jobs for their employees. Vegan jobs.

Rebecca and Pat have worked impossibly long hours to create a businesses that doesn’t just pay the bills and put money in their pockets. They have created a space where people are able to earn a living without having to be part of a system that abuses and mistreats non-human animals.

Temple workers get to work in an environment that aligns with their worldview. They don’t have to partake in exploitation to pay their bills.

And then there is more.

Temple of Seitan is a certified Living Wage employer. What is that you ask?

Living Wage is a guideline that outlines what workers would need to be paid in order to meet the cost of living in the UK. Temple of Seitan as a business has committed to paying wages in accordance with these guidelines.

To put it basically, they want to champion animal welfare while paying people fairly.

If you visit Temple of Camden this week, month, or year, I would love for you to take a moment to look around and feel thankful.

Feel thankful that we have such hardworking and decent people on our side, putting everything on the line in order to make the world a better place.

Bec and Pat. I couldn’t be prouder or more in awe of all you do.

Thank you.

Follow Temple of Seitan on Instagram.

Vegan bar and restaurant in Newcastle

Try to stop this vegan revolution sweeping the UK and you will not be successful.

The northern city of Newcastle has enjoyed eating at vegetarian restaurant The Bohemian for a while now, but they have even more reason to fall head over heels in love with the place.

The Bohemian is now 100% vegan.

The kitchen serves a whole range of comfort food, with their pizzas getting a lot of attention on social media.

Unlike some pubs that launch vegan food menus but forget about the bar aspect, The Bohemian has also converted their drinks menu to be 100% vegan.

As if all of this isn’t cool enough, there is also a record store INSIDE the restaurant. Yep, you can shop for vinyl after you fill up on tasty food.

Click here to see the exact location of The Bohemian.

Follow The Bohemian on Facebook and Twitter.

Vegan deli in a UK seaside town

Do you know the location of a town called Leigh-On-Sea?

If you don’t, grab a map and get familiar with this Essex town because you are going to want to be there soon.

The Acorn Veggie Deli of Leigh-On-Sea is a companion eatery to the nearby vegetarian bistro, The Oak Tree.

The recently opened deli features a huge line up of tasty and nutritious vegan menu items, as well as take home deli and grocery products. You can eat AND shop in the same place.

Check out some of the photos below and be sure to follow The Acorn Veggie Deli on Instagram.

Oh yeah, if you are not familiar with the area you can click here to see the exact location of the deli thanks to Google Maps.








Family owned vegan café in York

If you read my ramblings around these parts often, you will know that I love to sing the praises of independent vegan businesses.

I believe it is crucial that we not only use our consumer choices to help reduce harm to animals, we also need to spend our money (when we can) with independently owned vegan businesses in our local areas.

Instead of our money being swept away by multi-national corporations with little or no interest in our neighbourhoods, the money we spend with independents is then put back into the community.

These business owners buy local as well. Their families spend local. The money stays in the town, city, and region.

With all of that said (again), I want to tell you about a fabulous vegan café in the northern England city of York.

True Story is a family-owned vegan café serving up tasty, nutritious vegan food to their community. The café has a stunning view of the Minster and is even available for private hire and functions.

Follow True Story on Instagram and Facebook, then check out the photos below.

Support independent local business. Eat here when you are in York.

Vegan pizza tasting in Cardiff

I’ve got two questions for you.

Are you in Cardiff this weekend and do you like vegan pizza?

Get along to the gorgeous vegan store known as Simply V on Sunday January 28, 2018 from midday to sample the amazing One Planet Pizza.

This frozen vegan pizza is taking the UK by storm and this is your chance to try it out.

The pizzas are now available in over 150 stores around the UK (see all the locations here) and the company is spreading so rapidly that if they aren’t in your town yet, they soon will be.

But back to Cardiff.

Click here to see the exact location of Simply V thanks to Google Maps and follow the store on Instagram.

Say yes to vegan pizza and say yes to independent vegan stores!

Vegan mayo made from aquafaba

Here is some news that might just float your boat.

Rubies in the Rubble is a condiment-making business focussed on making use of fruit and vegetables that would otherwise be headed to the waste chute.

Yep, they use ugly or unwanted produce to make world-class preserves and chutneys, which in turn they sell on to hungry people like you.

The product I think you will be most excited by in the Rubies range is the aquafaba mayo they make.

Am I right?

In case you don’t know, aquafaba is the term used to describe the water/brine leftover from a tin of chickpeas. Traditionally, this would be thrown away but crafty vegans have found ways to turn this into edible foodstuff.

This includes meringue, buttercream frosting, and mayo. The aquafaba aerates when whipped or beaten.

Rubies in the Rubble now sell their original aquafaba mayo and a chipotle version. Check them out below.

You can buy your own jars of this unique product via the Rubies in the Rubble online shop.

Make sure you check out the rest of their range as well. It is all vegan! Follow Rubies in the Rubble on Instagram.

New online shopping collective

Here is some interesting news for vegan consumers.

The Eco Collective is a vegan and ethical online shop.

The owners describe it as kind of like Costco (where you pay to sign up and get wholesale prices for everything), however The Eco Collective is free to sign up and totally vegan.

They stock a huge range of products from groceries to household products and while they have larger brands, they concentrate on smaller independent companies.

They want it to be about vegans helping vegans.

The Eco Collective has a regular retail price for non-members and a discounted price for members, as well as monthly member specials.

You can order online for delivery anywhere in mainland UK. There is also an option to collect your order if you like near the warehouse in Christchurch, Dorset.

Click here to browse the hundreds of vegan items available and see what you think of the prices.

Inside Temple of Camden

A few days I gave you a sneak preview of what it looks like inside the soon-to-be-opened Temple of Camden, the second permanent location for food superstars Temple of Seitan.

If you missed that post, which also included some breaking news about their new Camden menu, you can click here to read it.

Today’s post is to share some more shots of the Temple of Camden interior (and exterior) to help get you excited ahead of their grand opening on January 31, 2018.

Check it out below!

You can follow Temple of Seitan on Instagram to stay updated on all the latest news.

The Vegan Kind box featuring FGV

If you are unfamiliar with it, I’m here to tell you that The Vegan Kind is a vegan subscription box that you can have sent to your home or workplace every month.

The January 2018 box has been a huge success and when you look at the contents, it’s not difficult to understand why.

The box this month is crammed solid with gorgeous vegan snacks AND a copy of my first-ever book, Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink, And Live Like You Give A Sh!t.

The box is absolutely overflowing with goodies, so it’s no surprise that this is one of the most popular boxes in the history of The Vegan Kind. It has almost completely sold out.

If you are fast, you can subscribe to the monthly box plan from The Vegan Kind and get this marvellous January box (including my book and a can of squirty cream!).

But you will have to be super fast. Karris from The Vegan Kind told me she expects this box to be completely sold out in a matter of days.

Click here to subscribe to the monthly box and explore the other boxes and products being sold by The Vegan Kind. Sign up and choose to start your subscription immediately to ensure you get this January box.

You can follow The Vegan Kind on Instagram.

If you would like to buy my book separately for yourself or as a gift for someone, you can order online from Amazon, pick up in store from Foyles, or get a discount when ordering online from WH Smith if you use code FGV18.

Vegan cheese goes London wide

If you went to VegfestUK London in late 2017, you will know that one vegan cheese company in particular caused a lot of excitement.

New Roots absolutely blew everyone away with their stunning line up of vegan cheeses, including the spectacular camembert.

This cheese caused such a stir, it sold out in a matter of hours.

If you are anything like me, you’ve probably been dreaming of the time when this cheese would become more widely available.

Well, wake up and stop dreaming. New Roots is in London big time.

The Swiss cheese makers have just secured a London distribution deal with Marigold and are busy securing retail stockists. First stop? You can now buy their gorgeous vegan products at GreenBay Supermarket in Fulham.

Other retailers include:

More retailers are being added so keep updated by following New Roots on Instagram.

You can also ask your local independent health food retailer to stock New Roots. Let them know you want these products on their shelves and tell them the brand can be ordered via Marigold distribution.