New vegan burger bar in Sheffield

Book a bus ticket. Check train prices. Charge up the electric car. You are all headed to Sheffield as soon as you possibly can.

Already live there? You have got it made!

Say hello to the newest superstar of the UK vegan scene, Burger Lols.

Holy shit! A brand new all #vegan burger joint in Sheffield. Freak me out!

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

It doesn’t get much cuter than that, right?

Burger Lolz has only been open a week but already it looks to have a solid following of fans. The shop was buzzing when I went in there and I’m not surprised. The menu is like a dream come true.

How a bout a mac n cheese burger featuring onion rings? Maybe a kebab burger with seitan is more to your liking. I know you all want the pulled jackfruit sandwich or the chilli cheese fries.

Check out this photo of what I was able to get my hands on during my recent visit.

Pretty freakin’ impressive. The fries alone are making me consider a move to Sheffield.

Get to Burger Lolz NOW, eat everything you can get your hands on and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Extra note:

Next door to Burger Lolz is the incredible Steel City Cakes.

This bakery has long been a favourite with vegan cake lovers and with good reason. Their selection of vegan cakes is like nothing else I have seen in the UK. I was almost crying from excitement and emotion.

Click on this video below to see just some of the vegan cakes they were selling during my visit. Sheffield is where it’s at!

What?! So much #vegan cake at @steelcitycakes in Sheffield! I’m freaking out!

A video posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on


Cheesy beefy bagel glory

Is there a more pleasing bread product than a bagel? You can’t go wrong with something chewy, doughy and simple that can be held in one hand.

During my first visit to New York City many years ago, I was staggered by the huge range of bagels on offer. No matter the neighbourhood, there were stores and bakeries everywhere I turned baking and selling bagels. Unfortunately for FGV me, many establishments weren’t forward about their ingredients and I wasn’t familiar with bagels enough to know what was vegan or why they might not be animal-product free. Growing up in suburban Australia meant I existed in a bagel-free zone during my formative years. My bagel-curious nature is only now being satisfied thanks to a fabulous company here in the UK.

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