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This weekend was the Berlin Vegan Summer Festival, and it would have been remiss of me to not visit and take photos of food for this blog. So I did my duty and headed down to Alexanderplatz.
On Friday we had a spicy hot dog with sauerkraut from popular vegan company Wheaty…
…and also a not-egg-mayonnaise bagel, from die Leckereienfabrik (roughly translates as the ‘delicious things factory’, a café in Berlin we haven’t got around to visiting yet!).
On Sunday we had a wonderful burger and sweet potato fries from the Vincent Vegan food truck. The photo doesn’t do the burger justice, it was full of crispy fresh veg, and guacamole.
We also shared this big choco-waffle with squirty cream, which was nice but not amazing.
To finish off, here’s something we didn’t eat but will do soon: two doughnuts from Brammibals. The doughnuts are sat in the fridge right now, calling out to me.
There’s one coconut and one toffee. (I think that calling just got louder!) And in case you’re worrying, those aren’t plastic containers, but some sort of biodegradeable material. Which is nice.
That’s only a small selection of everything available at the fest. There’s only so much I can eat!
In addition to all the food, the serious side was also covered, there were lots of animal protection causes, people working against factory farming, good people spreading the word about veganism. There were talks and discussions in the congress tent, and also music entertainment on the main stage.
A very full three-day event, and I doff my cap to the organisers!