To market, to market

Do you want to get involved in one of the most exciting vegan projects that has ever taken place in London?

Peter from October Cafe is developing a multi-vendor market in the heart of the city! I won’t waffle on too much as I want to give Peter the floor to explain how it works. Let’s just say it is a dream of mine to shop at an all vegan market and I will be first in line to see what the cruelty-free vendors have on offer.

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October is my favourite month

Being vegan in London has just been blown sky high with amazingness. If you think that sounds like hyperbole on overdrive, check out the new vegan patisserie known as October Cafe and you’ll soon see the reason for my excitement.

Following a disappointing, half-uneaten breakfast at another vegan establishment, Josh and I were on the lookout for something to lift our spirits. We hopped a few buses, walked along Old Street in the City of London for a short while and arrived at one of the loveliest vegan experiences in existence.

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