A better vegan airline meal

Here is a quick post to share info that I meant to share about a month ago.

Apologies for the slow posting.

I do have some reasons for being slack, but the most convincing is that I not only moved from London to Mexico City but I also just moved into a new apartment in Mexico City. I have been running around trying to get my living situation sorted.

But enough about me looking for sympathy.

On my way to Mexico City, British Airways served me one of the most satisfying vegan meals I’ve ever had in the air.

Check it out.

I know it might not seem that impressive for regular eating, but as far as in-flight meals go it was superb.

Josh and I both marvelled at how tasty the dish was and it is definitely the most planned and considered meal I’ve had on an airplane. Flavoursome and packed with tofu and vegetables. I’d eat it everyday.

Good stuff!

NYC to LDN eating

If you are a vegan traveller, you probably spend a fair chunk of your preparation time wondering what your airline-supplied meal will consist of once you are in the sky.

I have a recurring section on this blog dealing with just that very topic. You can click here to view past stories of airline meals, or keep scrolling down this page to see what I was served on my British Airways flight between JFK New York and London Heathrow last week.

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Maple syrup and jam

One of the most popular recurring features on this blog is airline food. You people are mad for it. No other posts get as much instant attention as these airline meal posts. If you have any theories as to why this is, please let me know below.

While I wait for your replies to pour in, let me tell you about a recent eating adventure from above the clouds that was made a whole lot more enjoyable by music.

Recently returning from Philadelphia on British Airways, Josh and I were treated to a decent-verging-on-notable meal that appeared to be completely vegan. But it wasn’t just the inclusion of vegan spread and a salad dressing kit that made my flight enjoyable. I was also blown away by the staggering amount of super cool music featured within the inflight entertainment catalogue.

Let’s get the food over and done with and then we can talk music.

My main meal tray featured a tasty tomato dish with sides of mushroom sauce and steamed broccoli. I wasn’t running up and down the plane celebrating culinary greatness, but it was a solid dish that was consumed promptly. That’s about as good as it gets on a flight for vegans.

The salad was just a salad except for the little dressing kit accompanying the bowl. A small bottle of olive oil sat with a sachet of salt and herb called Mrs Dash. It was life-altering, but I don’t think I’ve seen ingredients to make your own vegan dressing on any other flight.

Toss in a bit of fruit and my meal was of a fairly high standard, but it was the music that made this the best flight of recent times. Check out the food photos mixed with shots of some of the albums I enjoyed.

Any of your favourites in there?

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Vegan airline food: guest post by The Vegan Butcher

Following on from the immense interest shown in my recent post about vegan airline food, I have started to ask people to share their words and pictures about their own experiences.

My friend The Vegan Butcher has kindly supplied me with a written account of her meal on a recent Air Canada flight. Doesn’t sound too shabby!

If you would like to submit a story about a vegan meal you have been served in the air, please email me (with photos) at fatgayvegan at hotmail dot com. I would love to feature some guest contributors. Let’s build a library of vegan airline food stories!

Take it away, The Vegan Butcher.

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