The History of Vegetarianism

Time to get your learned vegan outfit on.

My buddy Dr Ian McDonald has worked diligently for what feels like years on producing a radio series about the history of vegetarianism. Not strangely, the series is titled Vegetarianism: The Story So Far and the first episode has just this week been launched for your listening pleasure.

This first episode has the following synopsis:

In India in the middle of the first millennium BCE, the idea of “ahimsa” – non violence – emerges, with the vegetarian order of Jain monks and nuns as its torchbearers. Where did it come from? Ian goes to the intellectual hub of iron age India, the Kingdom of Maghada, to find out.

Lock yourself away, close all your Chrome tabs and treat yourself to a professionally made and incredibly informative 30 minutes of radio by pressing play.

Congratulations, Ian! I’m looking forward to future episodes in the series.

Please click here for Episode 1 of Vegetarianism: The Story So Far if it fails to play above.

Follow Ian’s radio show The Vegan Option on Twitter and Facebook.

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