Exclusive London event

This is huge news.

Carol J. Adams is heading to London to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her groundbreaking book The Sexual Politics of Meat on Thursday September 8, 2016 and will be joined in conversation by celebrated comedian (and vegan), Sara Pascoe.

This is a rare chance to be part of something special, London.

You will need to move extremely quickly for this. It is going to sell out in record time.

The event page for this conversation says of the book:

The Sexual Politics of Meat is an inspiring and controversial exploration of the interplay between contemporary society’s ingrained cultural misogyny and its obsession with meat and masculinity. By exploring a relationship between patriarchal values and meat-eating this conversation will bring together ideas from feminism, vegetarianism, animal defence, and literary theory.


This book is a critical piece of text from one of the most important vegan voices of the past few decades (in my humble FGV opinion).

The evening is a chance to hear a conversation between two notable vegans, take part in a Q&A, mingle over some drinks and buy your very own copy of the 25th anniversary edition of The Sexual Politics of Meat at a reduced price.

Book your ticket NOW! Click here.

These tickets will not last long. I warn you.

south of france cruise


I’ve been published!

I don’t just write nonsense about overeating and drinking gallons of vegan beer. Sometimes I attempt to write meaningful text for other platforms.

One such diversion, and one I feel particularly proud with which to be associated, is T.O.F.U. magazine.

Read more