• https://i0.wp.com/fatgayvegan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/New-seitan-Temple-of-Seitan-scaled.jpg?fit=1791%2C2560&ssl=1

Temple of Seitan new vegan chicken

If you hang around these parts of the Internet often, you will probably know that I have been doing some work with legendary vegan fast food business Temple of Seitan.

I really couldn’t have picked a better time to be aligned with the London eatery as they have just released a brand new version of their vegan chicken and it is truly sensational.

You will be blown away by this stuff.

You might be thinking that there was no room for improvement when it came to the Temple of Seitan chicken, but they have somehow managed to take it a few levels higher.

Rebecca has been working on this new recipe for a long time and has been unstoppable in her determination to create the best vegan chicken on the planet.

She has succedded.

The new recipe uses significantly less wheat gluten than the original recipe, making it lighter and more chicken-like. The pieces actually tear like chicken and the texture and taste are both incredible. So succulent.

I also find that because it is lighter, I am able to eat more of the stuff. I love that!

You gotta get along to one of the Temple of Seitan locations ASAP to get your paws on the new recipe chicken. All their locations and opening hours can be found on their website.

You can also follow Temple of Seitan on Instagram.

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Written by fatgayvegan

  1. I am so incredibly disappointed to hear this. I don’t want it to be more chicken-like! Chicken is gross. Seitan is not gross. I sincerely hope they will keep the original recipe as well. Seriously this makes me want to cry.

  2. I absolutely agree with you. The trend to make things more meat like makes them physically and psychologically harder to eat. Awful. Why can’t plant based foods be celebrated for what they are?

  3. Annie, thank you for your comment. I was starting to feel very alone. Of course I am happy that impossible burgers and things like that are available for people who would otherwise be eating meat. Obviously it is better for the animals, environment, health care system etc. But I feel like we are now returning to a time where I have to always bring my own food, because now even if there is a vegan option, I often find it inedible. And I feel terrible when people go out of their way to make sure there is something vegan for me, but then I can’t eat it without gagging.

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