Helping Mexico

As you probably know, I have a strong connection to Mexico City. Some of the people I love most in the world are there and I live in the city for 6 months of each year.

I’ve been deeply worried about the devastating earthquake that affected the people of Mexico City last week and have felt helpless in London with no chance of being on the ground to help.

As a response, I have asked my publisher Nourish Books to help me raise money for a special charity based in Mexico City.

Isla Urbana works hard to install and maintain clean water infrastructure for some of the city’s most vulnerable people. Each water tank and system they install costs money but has the ability to give water security to an entire household and sometimes local schools.

Between Sunday September 24 and Saturday September 30, 2017, Nourish Books will kindly donate £1 to Isla Urbana for every copy of my book ‘Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Sh!t’ that is pre-ordered via Amazon.

Use this link to pre-order the book: and please share this post where you can. If you prefer to donate directly to the charity, you can do that here:

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