Now in Croydon

The only time I have ever been to Croydon was when I had to wait in a stuffy, bureaucratic office to collect the biometric visa card that allows me to remain in the UK indefinitely.

It is not a destination to which I ever think of returning. Well, until now that is!

World famous and certainly legendary food maestro King of Cook Daily and Home has gone and opened a second version of Cook Daily in the new Boxpark retail and food complex in Croydon.

Yep. Croydon is as cool as Shoreditch right now.

Take a quick look at that menu above and it’s easy to see why early reports out of Croydon have been nothing short of rave reviews.

King has a way with ingredients that sets him miles apart from other vegan food creators in the capital (and now in Croydon). It is high class cuisine in a bowl that leaves you thinking about your next visit before you’ve even finished what’s in front of you.

Follow the new Cook Daily Croydon on Instagram and click here for the Boxpark website.

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