Vegan Hippo didn’t exactly disappear with a lot of tears.
The Soho-based café was a bit more miss than hit and loving reviews weren’t flowing from the mouths of diners. However, the owners have seemingly taken advantage of their down time in order to reevaluate how they create and serve food.
And now they are back on the scene. The following message was posted on the Vegan Hippo Facebook page two days ago:
Vegan Hippo is about to reopen! We’ve listened to feedback and are starting again with a new and improved menu, and lots of take-away food too for eating in the park or taking to the office. All suggestions welcomed! Tell us anything you’d especially like to see us offer. Thank you!
Are you excited about the return of Vegan Hippo?
With the loss in recent years of all the cheaper vegan/veggie places in the area, of course welcome back Vegan Hippo!
Takeout options is a very welcome move, given the small size of the place, and hopefully will be good, simple, options too — like burgers, chips, sausage rolls &c.