Eat Out Vegan Wales

Even though this is a blog post about a website informing vegans where they can eat in Wales, it doesn’t just mean only people interested in Wales should take notice.

Eat Out Vegan Wales is a staggeringly well planned and executed web resource that should serve as an inspiration for vegans all over the planet.

vegan wales

The landing page of the website has an interactive map allowing users to fine tune their search by county, or they can take the option to find out what is nearby using the location device.

Regular visitors to the site might appreciate the latest updates feature, as well.

Once you start digging deeper into the site, you realise what an extraordinary amount of information is listed. Take the one example below:

buttered crust

You get the address, a link to the website, the number of vegan dishes usually on offer, a detailed description of how vegan friendly they are, instructions on how to locate the restaurant when you arrive, direct links to multiple maps services showing the location and a link to the Trip Advisor page for the establishment.

So simple and easy to navigate, yet comprehensive and informative.

The organiser of this website has gone to incredible lengths to create one of the most comprehensive vegan eating guides I’ve seen. The site is interactive, allowing for registered users to post updates.

Get over to Eat Out Vegan Wales now to be inspired. If you live in or visit the area, I hope you will use it often for its invaluable insights. If you are nowhere near Wales, I hope this fabulous website will inspire you to set something similar up for your part of the world.

south of france cruise

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