Get your credit card ready. You are about to order the following box of vegan treats for home or office delivery.
The Twice As Nice Bakery in Staffordshire has quite a bit of food on offer for vegans, but I particularly like this variety box that can be ordered via their website.
The ‘vegan bakery selection box’ contains the following:
- 2 individual brownies (one topped with peanut butter swirls, the other with smoked sea salted caramel)
- 3 ANZAC biscuits,
- 2 baked doughnuts (shown with cinnamon sugar)
- Hello Sunshine – a gorgeous lemon cake with a surprise marmalade filling and topped with candied peel.
- A couple of vegan friendly chocolate bars.
The cost of the box is £18 and that includes delivery within the UK.
Click here to view and order the vegan box online.
You can follow Twice As Nice Bakery on Twitter and like them on Facebook.