Costco in Mexico

As a vegan with a predilection for grocery shopping, I was totally in my element during a visit to Costco in Mexico City today.

Scroll down for photographic proof that I was almost overwhelmed by vegan choices in the mammoth Polanco branch of the retail behemoth.

silk coconut vegan burgers chorizo de soya chocolate chips vegan cereal rollers quinoa chocolate biscuits lentil snacks chocolate almonds Just Mayo

Yes, I am standing next to a mountain of giant Just Mayo jars. Yes, I bought a 2kg bag of chocolate chips. Yes, I bought a 1kg bag of salted chocolate almonds. Yes, I bought a box of 12 vegan burgers.

Yes, Mexico City is probably one of my favourite places on the planet for vegan grocery shopping.

Anything in my shopping basket take your fancy?

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