New sandwich on the block

Get ready to sink your teeth into this brand new vegan sandwich from one of the most widespread High Street chains in the UK.

Yes. Pret has unleashed another vegan sandwich, this time in the form of a baguette filled with grilled artichokes, red tapenade and spinach.

With almost 300 stores scattered across the UK, this tasty-looking sandwich shouldn’t be too far from you right now.

Have you tried? Did you like?

Extra note: this photo originally appeared on my Instagram feed.

dotd 2015 bottom advert

9 thoughts on “New sandwich on the block”

  1. Gosh, I’ve never seen vegan food in Pret, but then I stopped bothering to look a while back. Thank you for restoring my faith in sandwiches!

  2. It’s alright…the nicest bread of all the vegan Pret sandwiches so far but I’m missing the protein, so from that perspective the Mexican one last month was much better with the black beans in it.

  3. I really tip my hat to Pret for trying, although they could promote the vegan options so much better if they gave their staff a little training! Last time I tried to buy a s/wich, in a hurry, at a busy outlet at Kings X, I had to go through four members of staff to get my meal. The first person I asked, at the counter, didn’t know what vegan was. The second person, who probably also didn’t know, informed me they had no vegan meals. Fortunately I persisted and eventually got passed to the duty manager who not only helped my locate the sandwich they were just putting in the displays, but also brought out her trusty product catalogue to confirm all the ingredients with me.
    Pret is great in that they at least have a daily vegan option (if you’re not too late/early). The other outlets at Kings X and St. Pancras stations only ‘flirt’ with vegan food, so that one day they may have a vegan cake, and then decide not to stock it again, or get in some vegan salads but only order them once a week, so that for the next five days you’re told “not in stock”. Now if we could just get someone to stock Pudology (or a cheaper version!!!) at the takeaway food outlets…


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