Best vegan food

I’m currently in California where I’m enjoying sunshine, friends and a hell of a lot of fabulous vegan food.

The place where these three components met in perfect unison was the 6th Annual Los Angeles Vegan Beer & Food Festival. Thousands and thousands of revellers converged on the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for a day of drinking, eating and socialising.

Check out some of the impressive food photos I shot on the day, as well as photos taken by my friends. Try not to drool.
The food pictured above was exquisite. From the top: sample burger supplied by Follow Your Heart with their sriracha topping; gorgeous peanut butter cup flavoured with sriracha by Bramble Bakeshop; Vietnamese nachos by Mandoline Grill, and; mac and cheese waffle with ranch dipping by Clara Cakes.
These photos were taken by some of my buddies I got a chance to hang out with on the day.

The top shows me with a glorious burger and was snapped by event co-organiser QuarrygirlThe burger featured a crispy vegan chicken fillet, bacon, salad and cheese held between two sweet donuts. Simply amazing.

The bottom photo was taken by my pal Laura of Vegansaurus and it shows my rad beer socks I wore for the occasion.

Yay for beer, food and friends!

beer fest bottom banner

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