Eco-Jet new vegan airline

Here is the biggest and most exciting story EVER posted on my blog.

Get ready to fly on the world’s first vegan airline!

My weekend at Vegfest Brighton wasn’t just an opportunity to eat delicious food. I also had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with the CEO of a newly-planned airline called Eco-Jet.

Eco-Jet is the brainchild of Vasi Cowling. Portland-born Vasi stopped by my stand at the show and gave me the scoop on what is probably the best news vegans will hear all year.

Vasi was in the UK chatting with potential catering suppliers as all food served on the new airline will be 100% vegan. The CEO told me the decision to serve only plant-based food and drink was a no-brainer for the fledgling airline as not only does it align with the company’s ‘reduce harm’ policy, it will also save Eco-Jet a lot of money.

Vasi explained, “By having a ‘one meal suits all’ policy on all our flights, we are cutting down on expenditure related to catering. Every Eco-Jet passenger will receive a delicious and nutritious vegan meal, meaning our supplier costs are kept to a minimum and our cabin crew have service time reduced drastically. We will spend less time and money on special meal request management, from the booking process right through to in-flight service.”

“When we first floated the idea in our board meeting, a few of us couldn’t quite believe this step to simplify in-flight meals hadn’t been adopted by another airline years ago. Even if you forget about the environmental, health and compassion implications of serving only plant-based meals, the economic benefits for any airline are more than convincing.”

Other steps being taken by Eco-Jet to make their airline vegan friendly include:

  • vegan wine with food service
  • cruelty-free toiletries in bathrooms
  • plant-based milk selection with hot drink service
  • absence of leather on all seats
  • hard-wearing hemp headrest covers in economy cabin
  • vegan magazines in seat pockets
  • dedicated vegan documentary and cooking channel sponsored by Vegucated
  • pre-recorded flight safety video by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero (in the style of original Post Punk Kitchen series)

Eco-Jet is set to launch in 2016, with November 1 (World Vegan Day) planned as the provisional date for the inaugural flight. It will take passengers from Portland, Oregon to Austin, Texas.

Are you excited for the world’s first vegan airline?

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8 thoughts on “Eco-Jet new vegan airline”

  1. “pre-recorded flight safety video by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero (in the style of original Post Punk Kitchen series)” Hehe, love it 🙂

  2. That’s amazing news!!! Unless it’s an April Fool’s Day joke and then I am going to come round to your house, Sean, and beat you! 😛


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