Vegetarian porn star

Here is something you won’t read anywhere else today.

Antonio Biaggi is a vegetarian who bakes vegan food, advocates for animals, fights for gay rights, loves rescued dogs and enjoys living an eco-friendly life near the beach in Florida.

Oh yeah, he is also a gay porn actor and website owner.

When I found out that Antonio was a self-proclaimed animal advocate, I wanted to reach out to him in order to find out a little bit of information about his life and love for animals.

A short Q&A with the vegan baker and porn entrepreneur can be seen below.

If you are so inclined, you can click here to visit Antonio’s blog or follow him on Twitter. BE WARNED. His website and Twitter feed feature exceptionally explicit content.


Fat Gay Vegan: You describe yourself as a vegan baker and animal advocate. Can I ask whether you follow an exclusively vegan diet?

Antonio Biaggi: No, not in my personal life. When I bake its 100% vegan but day to day I’m not since I do eat cheese and dairy products. I do not eat meat or eggs.

What sort of reaction does your interest in animal welfare get from your colleagues in the adult entertainment business?

Many of them are animals lovers so it’s kind of normal.

Have you ever encountered a situation in your work which challenged your ethics or required you to insist on changes in order to continue working? Do they have veggie craft service on set?

I film for my website and I take models to lunch or dinner and every one eats what they want. I’ve seen veal on the menu of restaurants and I have gotten up and left the restaurant. I don’t support that kind of meat being served. Even if I don’t agree with eating meat, everyone can eat what they want.

As a gay Puerto Rican porn actor who is passionate about animal rights, which aspect of you is most at odds with mainstream America? Does the USA have a bigger problem with your heritage, sexuality, job or animal welfare stances ?

Never with my animal affairs, but I’ve had many racist encounters. But mostly it’s because I’m a porn actor. There are still many ignorant people.

When you visit Puerto Rico, what aspect do friends and family have the most trouble understanding?

My friends? The ‘no eating meat’ part. LOL. In Puerto Rico, pork is normal for lunch and dinner all day every day. So not eating meat makes people weird more than me being in porn does. People actually find me being in porn interesting for the most part.

Have you come across other people in the adult entertainment industry who share similar passion for animals and plant-based diets?

There are several vegans or just like me, vegetarians.

What sparked your interest in vegan baking and animal welfare?

Many years of seeing videos on how they treat animals. One day I saw a documentary and ‘click’ in my head, I have not gone back.

Where do you spend most of your time? How is it there for vegan food? Do you have a favourite vegan restaurant?

I live in Florida. I just eat in any restaurant and I usually get a salad and rice or any other sides. In Fort Lauderdale there’s a restaurant called Sublime.

I’d like to thank Antonio for taking the time to correspond with me. I hope to welcome him to the ranks of gay vegans sometime soon in the future!

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