Cheap vegan

Here is a game for us to play.

Is this the most inexpensive product you have ever seen with a vegan label?

fetch-UID-This jar carries the Sainsbury’s ‘vegan’ label on the reverse. I want to know if you have seen a product cheaper that is also labelled vegan.

Answers in the comments below. This will be fun!

Let’s get cheap.

Please note: the product needs to be labelled vegan for it to count.

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13 thoughts on “Cheap vegan”

  1. Aldi Instant Noodles 18p – various flavours (I think the veg curry, chow mein, chicken & BBQ beef are all marked vegan).

    Quite a few items in Sainsbury’s Basics 20p – 35p, mostly already mentioned – baked beans & spaghetti at 25p.


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