Vegan cheese won’t quit

With only five weeks until I visit the east coast of the USA, my brother-in-law Ben is ramping up my excitement by sending me photos of vegan products he is finding in his local grocery store.

The latest pics below have me delirious with anticipation. I love a good cream cheese.

image1 image2 image3These Treeline cheeses sound incredible. Each flavour starts off as Brazilian cashew nuts which go through a fermentation process in order to produce the final product.

The two cream cheese flavours available are Scallion and Herb-Garlic, while a classic hard cheese is also shown in the photo above. This aged, hard cheese is also available in a Cracked Pepper variety.

It sounds like a popular/busy operation they have going over in Kingston, New York so I’m not sure how long it will be until we start seeing Treeline on UK shelves.

In the meantime, I will just have to pack a suitcase of the stuff during my trip next month.

Visit Treeline online, follow them on Twitter and like them on Facebook.

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2 thoughts on “Vegan cheese won’t quit”

  1. I had the herb garlic one a couple of years ago and liked it because it erred on the side of tart rather than ultra salty. Plus their branding is fabulous!


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