Vegan food at a wedding

A few weeks ago, Josh and I attended the wedding of our friend Mirel and her partner Mark. It was a fabulous event and we were thrilled to be part of the celebrations.

But of course any invitation to a party such as a wedding brings along associated food fears for vegans. We always worry if our choices have been considered or if we’ll be stuck with a bowl of lettuce.

Our fears were unfounded as Mirel (a vegan herself) made sure the many plant eaters in attendance were thoughtfully fed. Check out the photos below to see the vegan thali served for lunch, the masses of vegan cupcakes and the towering vegan wedding cake (the latter two both made by London business Ms Cupcake).


What have been your experiences of vegan food at weddings? Were you fed well? Maybe you have been to a completely vegan wedding. I would love to hear all about it in the comments below.




9 thoughts on “Vegan food at a wedding”

  1. We got married last weekend and had a lovely wedding at The Peasant in Clerkenwell. Although we were not vegan when we initially booked, they were happy to fit in with our requests – especially as the head chef used to be head chef at The Gate. Although we didn’t have a full vegan wedding, it was veggie and vegan, they gave us amazing choices and we had cake by Ms Cupcake. My advice if it is not your wedding, just ask, it does not hurt, and most chefs pride themselves on skill and adaptability ( I have a chef in the family) they will usually bend over backwards to please you. X

  2. My husband and I are wedding photographers and we require our clients to count us in for food so we don’t pass out at the end of the night. Also, who wants pictures of any eating?
    Our contract states that we prefer vegan/vegetarian option for food. I can’t say that it is very often that we get anything good with those options. I would guess less than 10 were satisfying enough to be called a meal. Ironically one of the best was from a BBQ joint! We do have a full vegan wedding coming up at the end of October and we are beyond excited about it!

  3. I just got married on the first of August this year, all the good was vegetarian and a lot of it vegan . We had lentil soup and crusty rolls or fruit platter first then veggie haggis, potatoes and carrots with pure margarine on the side. That was all suitable for vegans , then a vegetable lasagne with salad which wasn’t. We had cupcakes which were vegetarian and a dairy free heart shaped cake on top which was delicious . At night we had a vegetarian buffet with vegan sandwiches, pakora , samosas , falafel etc included . There were four vegan adults there (including us) two vegan kids and six vegetarians . I was determined not to have any meat at my special day and refused to compromise , it went great though and actually everyone loved the food 🙂

  4. The last wedding I went to was my uncle’s. My cousin (his daughter) is also vegan so he made sure we got something we liked. He gave us a choice of meals and all sounded delicious – we ended up with a kind of Moroccan style roasted butternut squash and cous cous. He made one of the tiers of the wedding cake vegan too and made sure the sparkling wine was 🙂 We also had delicious canapes.

    The wedding I went to before that, I was a bridesmaid at and I was starving afterwards (bowl of basic salad!).

  5. We are getting married in 2 weeks and we are both vegan. We decided the best way to prove how awesome being vegan is is to serve awesome vegan food. All the food and desserts will be vegan… hopefully everyone enjoys!

  6. This looks lovely! We are veggies rather than vegans but our wedding buffet was half vegetarian, half vegan to make sure vegan friends had plenty to eat. We chose the hotel because although their standard wedding meals were nothing special, they were keen to oblige and experiment. We lent them some cook books and they came up with an exciting feast that could be eaten by all. We also had an ‘extra’ vegan wedding cake alongside our actual wedding cake (great excuse for more cake in my opinion!)


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