I jogged today. Not for the sake of exercise, but to get to a bakery selling vegan breads and pastries.
The fabulous @Vegan_Hausfrau reached out to me today on Twitter to alert me to the following Facebook update by Kamps, the German bakery chain with two locations in London.
Read carefully.
Yes, friends. Kamps sell vegan bread AND a vegan cinnamon pastry AND vegan pretzels. Therefore, I was forced to jog from my house to the Kamps located around the corner. Thanks Vegan Hausfrau. I don’t jog for much these days.
So, what did I buy? Check it out.

How awesome, right?! That cinnamon delight was worth the jogging alone and I was pretty much in love with the triangle loaf.
Of course there is the issue of cross contamination as stated in the Kamps Facebook post seen above. To my FGV eye, it seems the loaves and rolls are the least like to get accidental animal products on them as they are in separate baskets.
Check Kamps out online and tell them on Twitter to keep up the good work with identifying vegan options.
Glad you liked it! Kamps sells two more vegan pastries in Germany: a glazed apple turnover and a traditional German pastry called ‘Schweineohren’ (which unfortunately translates to ‘pig’s ears’). ‘Schweineohren’ are a heart-shaped puff pastry, sprinkled with sugar, tips dipped in chocolate. Very yummy and sometimes accidentally vegan. Maybe you can talk Kamps into importing them 🙂
Gosh, what a find! Here we are living in Berlin, a Kamps around the corner, with no idea that they have vegan stuff. Turns out they even have a vegan list on their website! http://kamps.de/baeckerei/produkte/vegan/ (and also a shorter list here – http://kamps.de/backstube/produkte/vegan/ – I’m not sure of the difference between Kamps Bäckerei and Kamps Backstube, but we only seem to have the Backstube here in Berlin anyway).
Thanks to your blog post, we went and bought a pair of Franzbrötchen, which is what they call the cinnamon roll thing. And very yummy it was too. I’ll check out these Pigs’ Ears too! Thanks FGV!