This blog isn’t all about too much beer and food. I sometimes like to use it as a platform for other worthwhile topics… and they don’t often come more worthwhile than the crucial work being carried out by NAVS.
Not sure what I am on about?
I have invited Jan Creamer (chief executive of the National Anti-Vivisection Society) to share some important information with you relating to a rare public consultation you NEED to know about.
Read carefully and act on the information supplied.
Take it away, Jan.
Did you know over 4 million animals were experimented on in the UK last year? Most people are unaware – and is it any wonder when you consider that secrecy laws have hidden details of animal experiments from the UK public for over 100 years?
Out of sight and with the Government’s consent, animals are subjected to unnecessary and cruel experiments. Animals are poisoned, gassed and mutilated and, as a nation, we are oblivious not only to the scale of the suffering but also the purpose.
Government officials and researchers alike would have us believe that the use of animals is a ‘necessary evil’. But, with no idea of the experiments that take place behind closed doors, we are powerless to question the status quo.
This could all be about to change, however, as the Government is providing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to have your say and help animals in laboratories. We must make it count.
The Government has just launched a public consultation on whether Section 24 of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act – the law governing the use of animals in experiments – should be removed.
Section 24 is what keeps details of animal experiments from the public. Revealing information about this secret world could land you in prison for two years!
For years, this ‘secrecy clause’ has managed to stifle public debate and suppress wider scientific and ethical scrutiny of animals used in research. But new EU legislation – which promotes openness and transparency in animal research – has prompted a review.
This is our chance to prevent needless animal suffering and the National Anti-Vivisection Society is upping the pressure. We are leading the call to remove Section 24 and urging the Government to allow licence applications for research projects using animals to be made public before experiments are given the go-ahead. We want to ensure that no experiment is duplicated and modern non-animal methods are always considered.
There is strong support for the removal of Section 24, but we must ensure this secrecy clause is not just replaced by similar legislation which will stop us finding out what happens inside the labs.
Lifting the veil of secrecy surrounding animal experiments is the only way we can prevent the needless suffering of animals in laboratories, and replace them with better, humane alternatives.
Knowledge is power, so please help the animals and back the repeal of Section 24 today. Your opinion counts! The consultation closes on June 13th.
Jan Creamer
Chief Executive of the National Anti-Vivisection Society
Learn more about animal research at