Got a nice package, alright

Do you like the idea of food swaps? You know… it is when you get a box of goodies together and send it to a stranger and they send you a box back with specialties they have picked out for you. If you are a fan of such activities, surely you are also excited about vegan food swaps. Who wouldn’t be?

But I have just discovered parcel and package swapping is being taken to the next level. I received some very exciting news from my friends over at All About Vegan Food and you will want to be quick to get involved in this special scheme.

Tell us what we need to know…….



Vegans have been swapping packages full of goodies for a long time. Now you can join the first international project of vegan package swaps! All About Vegan Food is pleased to introduce you to Vegan Package Swap, a monthly worldwide project that will blow your mind and make you try vegan goodies from all over the world each month, launched on February 5th of 2013.

To be part of the Vegan Package Swap all you need to do is to register to the project and you’ll receive emails with the next steps.

We are not the first vegan swap project but what makes us different is that you can choose to ship worldwide or just to your own continent. Choosing to ship worldwide will give you the opportunity to try even more unique and different goodies that you might never find at your country or of which existence you had no idea!

And to make things even more exciting, you can specify in your profile if you want to include other things besides food, like cosmetics or t-shirts, for example! It’s all about getting a great package every month!

Each swap will be evaluated by the users so we can keep the quality of it and make sure that everybody is getting packages that follow the rules.

We hope that you are as much excited as we are about the Vegan Package Swap and feel free to share the news with the vegan community!

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop a line to


Sounds fab, right?!

Get involved and share vegan goodies while building social capital. How lovely!

9 thoughts on “Got a nice package, alright”

  1. I’ve been allocated my swap-pee (in Toronto) & went out yesterday to purchase various quintessentially British goodies that I hope they won’t be able to buy out there, taking advantage of the current H&B BOGOHP & supermarket deals to get the fullest package within budget.

    I did a quick check of a random health food shop out there & was expecting to see many of the US vegan items we can buy but surprised they already have our Plamil & Kettle Chips, for example. I’ll be interested to see what they think of the parcel. I wonder what I’ll get…

    Anyone else participating this month?



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