Or probably more like hanging around

If you follow my ramblings online, you could not have missed the news of your friendly neighbourhood Fat Gay Vegan hosting a Google+ Hangout a few days ago.

Kip from Messy Vegetarian Cook and Laura from VeganSaurus joined me and a handful of other interested people to talk about living life as a vegan, eating out in London and why we choose plant-based diets.

The Hangout was a lot of fun and it has given me the idea to make it a regular event. What sort of guests would you like to see me interact with and what are the main topics you would like to see covered? It should be noted I will never agree to swimming pool/topless interviews.

To give you some inspiration to answer those questions, here is the full video of my recent Google+ Hangout, originally streamed live online. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Or probably more like hanging around”

  1. Hi FGV, I do not know how the ads work on here or if you get any say about them but you will never guess what is popping up below this video, unless everyone sees the same ad of course! Most inappropriately there is an ad for Royal Ascot horse abusers, so you might want to address that as a problem that the ads are VERY badly targeted! However this has done me a favour and reminded me about organising with my friend to go and protest with Animal Aid leaflets outside the races, it has reminded me of the dates which I was needing to look up, and looks like I may be free that Saturday to do that – so well done to the idiots who decide how to target the ads, lol, they just helped the advertisers get more opposition for their animal abuse!

      • Was it an ad on the YouTube video or ere on my blog? I am looking into moving my blog to a completely ad free site so there won’t be any ads popping up. I can’t do anything about the YouTube ads and that video is owned by Google anyway.

        Thanks for speaking up for horses! xx

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