Isn’t the word ‘flapjack’ a bizarre thing? Where on Earth does it come from? I would love to know the etymology of the word flapjack. Answers on the back of a Morrissey postcard, please.
While I sit back and wait for the mountains of mail adorned with pictures of the Mancunian poet, I might as well inform you of a delicious vegan flapjack I discovered on a recent food expedition.
Hale & Hearty are a food company that are starting to capture more of my attention as time progresses. I adore their scrumptious BBQ cassava crisps and I always stop to investigate whenever I spy their logo on a packet.

I am delighted the aforementioned logo caught my eye while shopping in my local Tesco, as I walked away with a box of chocolate-topped vegan flapjacks.
My eating history isn’t particularly littered with flapjack wrappers, but I think this could all change with the discovery of the Hale & Hearty variety. The bars are perfectly moist and offer up a full syrup flavour that is irresistible. Of course the chocolate topping didn’t go astray!

These new flapjacks are completely free of animals products and if gluten is not your friend, you are in luck too. Try some soon. FGV approved!
Now, back to waiting for the post with some etymological info…
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I LOVE their crisps too!
Their flapjacks are very wonderful indeed