Time for a quick poll. What consumes the attention of a FGV most?
Choices for answers:
1. Eating vegan food 2. Traveling 3. Morrissey
Well done to the readers who put a circle around all three answers. Let me take you on a little journey as a reward for your astuteness. Hold on as we take in the delights of Rome, Morrissey in concert and vegan gelato.
A few weeks ago I took a trip to a far off place to see Morrissey in concert. It was my first time in Italy and Rome certainly left a huge impression on me. The city was gorgeous of course, but the immense wealth harnessed and displayed by organised religion left a rather sour taste in my mouth.
The remedy for this was to find my way to Gelarmony, a gelato outlet with an entire case of vegan options. From an overwhelming range of flavours, I was able to whittle my choice down to just three plus a healthy dose of vegan soya cream on top.

The cup sizes were as big as the flavours and even I had to work extra hard to get through this delicious snack. My choice of coconut was particularly rewarding. Gelarmony certainly serve up the good stuff and if you find yourself in Rome, you should also find yourself inside this gorgeous store.

But I wasn’t really in Italy to eat. That was just a bonus. I had traveled to Rome to see Morrissey in concert and he didn’t disappoint. In a glorious outdoor venue, Steven and his band tore through a thundering set of hits, mis-hits and songs that will maybe someday be hits.
Interesting/sad side note for interested/sad Morrissey fans: Gelarmony is a few minutes by foot from Piazza Cavour. No explanation needed. Or if you don’t fall into the know-it-all sad Morrissey fan category, watch the video above (shot at the Rome gig) to hear the singer name-check the famous location.

Visit Gelarmony online
(Gelarmony have multiple international locations…. have you visited one?)