London Vegan Drinks review: November 2011

What do you get when you cram 100 people into a room in Central London, supply them with food and serve them alcohol? Why, London Vegan Drinks of course!

The London branch of the worldwide Vegan Drinks phenomenon is only in its third month but already has turned into a wildly successful event. Last night, close to (or over?!) 100 vegans and vegan friendlies descended on tibits in Heddon Street for  food, drink and a whole lot of socialising. Vegan wine, beer, cider and juice flowed all night, as did the stream of people enjoying an event that already feels like a London institution.

London Vegan Drinks

tibits made a tremendous effort supplying us with extra vegan options on the food boat. It was a gesture that was greatly appreciated. Special items included kale salad, vegetable gratin, pineapple curry, tiramisu, cheesecake, sticky pudding, blood orange cream and mandarine cream. Everything was stunning. Like tibits on Facebook and let them know what you thought of their hospitality on the night.

So many thanks to everyone who made the evening the fabulous night out that it was. A special mention must go to Ms Cupcake and her bakery crew for turning up en masse. Much love to you all.

See you all the the December London Vegan Drinks!

Ms Cupcake crew at Vegan Drinks
So many vegans & their friends

*Thanks & love to The Vegan Butcher for the photos

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