Vegan Quarantine: Day 7

Hi all.

I am back with Vegan Quarantine: Day 7. This video series is my way of trying to keep spirits high in the vegan community as well as support independent businesses, charities, and musicians.

All links discussed can be found below.

Louise Wallis – Yoga & Pilates is going live with yoga classes on Facebook. Find out more on the page, including the next class on Tuesday morning, March 24.

Useful and easy vegan soup recipes from The Vegan Society:

When you order with Uber Eats in the UK from a independent restaurant, they waive the delivery fee. Find out more here on TechCrunch:…/uber-eats-uk-waives-fees-during-t…/

Order my book Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Sh!t online:…/…/184899351X

Listen to one of my favourite bands, Los Abandoned, on Spotify: