London vegan business celebrates 5 years!

Bow down.

The revolutionary, trailblazing and pioneering Ms Cupcake vegan bakery in Brixton, London is celebrating its five year anniversary tomorrow (FGV was at the grand opening back in 2011).

Can you even imagine the energy, dedication and hard work required to not only keep a London business open for five years, but to make it thrive? Mellissa Morgan has succeeded and thrived by committing herself to her business wholeheartedly.

To truly understand how hard Mellissa has worked, take a moment to reflect on your own life during the past five years. You will have endured hardships, stress, possibly health concerns, the daily grind of general life and countless other confronting situations.

Now add to this the running of an independent business with your own money, being responsible for the livelihood of a dozen or so people, writing and promoting books, launching your products into a nationwide retail chain as well as being seen as one of the driving forces behind the UK vegan movement.

I’m worn out just typing it.

I was going to ask you all nicely, but have decided to be a bit more direct. Go to Twitter and Facebook to congratulate Mellissa and the Ms Cupcake team for five amazing years, as well as thank them for their tireless dedication to improving outcomes for animals and for kickstarting UK veganism like no one else was able to manage.


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