Gorgeous refried beans recipe


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Here’s the recipe:

Makes approximately two cups/serves four


  • 1 cup of cooked beans*
  • 1 small green chile, de-seeded and copped
  • 1⁄2 cup of liquid from cooked beans or tinned beans 1⁄2 cup of freshly chopped epazote**
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt to taste

*You can use tinned beans to save time but save some of the liquid when you drain them
** If you cannot find fresh epazote, used dried but see note below.


  • Heat a large frying pan and add the oil
  • Add chopped chile and fry for about 30 seconds
  • Add cooked beans and the liquid
  • If using dried epazote, add now
  • Mash the beans over a medium heat
  • Continue to cook for a couple of minutes while stirring
  • Add a pinch of salt
  • If using fresh epazote, add it at the end and stir through
  • ¡Buen provecho!

Serve in tacos, enchiladas, taquitos, tortas or simply with rice.

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Recipe and photo remain property of Sean O’Callaghan and Julio Alcantara and may not be reproduced without permission. © fatgayvegan.com

Am I moving too fast for you?

There is a place in the north of England with crooked lanes paved with old stones. This town knows a brutal and harsh history. Pubs are named after torture devices and methods of execution while a seemingly-benign grass patch hides the remains of a cholera burial ground. It is a location that both delights and astounds with its past of inglorious tales.

It is also a place where many fabulous occurrences take place. Within the space of a few hours in the city this past weekend I ate at a completely vegan Spanish restaurant, had my photo taken with superstar of screen and fashion Chloë Sevigny and witnessed Morrissey perform a stellar concert to a venue packed with adoring fans.

Welcome to York.

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