Superstar vegan restaurant in new music video

There is a new band releasing music in 2017 called Dreamcar and I adore what I have heard so far.

Actually, I adored this band before I had even heard a beat or bar. Dreamcar is made up of Tony Kanal, Adrian Young and Tom Dumont of No Doubt, plus Davey Havok of AFI.

No Doubt has been one of my favourite bands on the planet for a very long time and I’ve written about Tony’s veganism in the past.

Now the latest music video from this new supergroup features veganism heavily, with the band heading into a venue called ‘Vegan Club’ to play a gig and even convening in a superstar vegan restaurant in Hollywood!

Check it out above!

Dreamcar is hanging out at Crossroads vegan restaurant on Melrose in Hollywood.

This is a lovely full-circle moent for the band as Crossroads was the location for their first meeting to discuss whether they wanted to move forward with the project.

Kill For Candy is a fabulous song made even better by the vegan-centric music video.

You can watch the music video by clicking here.

Follow Dreamcar on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Tony Kanal, Prince and being vegan

Did you know I adore the band No Doubt?

I might even be what is called a superfan. Travel back in time and you would discover I was a member of the No Doubt fan club and I travelled to see the band live many times including shows in Brisbane, London and Houston.

The music they have created (and hopefully will continue to create) has been a huge part of my life soundtrack.

So I have established I love No Doubt. So what, right?

A few days ago I spotted a social media post by founding member, bassist and songwriter Tony Kanal. The post detailed a meeting between Tony and another musical hero of mine, Prince.

As the post was to do with Tony’s vegan journey, I reached out to him to ask if he was happy that I shared the post on here with you all.

Tony was happy.

I hope you appreciate this insight, memory and compassionate awakening as much I as did.

On Tuesday, what would have been Prince’s 58th birthday, some friends and I joined @maytejannell and @PETA to celebrate his life, legacy and compassion for animals. • • I had the chance to share a story of one of my conversations with Prince, briefly summarized here: “On No Doubt’s second visit to Paisley Park, sometime around 1999, we were working on a song with Prince called ‘Waiting Room,’ which would later be released on our Rock Steady album. We had some downtime, and Prince and I found ourselves in the studio kitchen. I asked if we could order some food, he said yes, and I said, ‘I’d like a cheeseburger please.’ He pleasantly replied, ‘Well, you can have that, but you can’t have that here.’ At the time, I didn’t give it much thought. It wasn’t till I became a vegan 12 years later and adopted the same rule at my house of ‘no animal products can be consumed here’ that I realized how significant that conversation was. Not only can I thank Prince for his music and artistry but also for that very powerful seed that he planted on my journey.” • • I was reminded that in 1999, Prince also included the following in the liner notes for his ‘Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic’ album: “If this jacket were real wool, it would have taken 7 lambs whose lives would have begun like this … Within weeks of their birth, their ears would have been hole-punched, their tails chopped off and the males would have been castrated while fully conscious. Xtremely high rates of mortality r considered normal: 20 2 40% of lambs die b4 the age of 8 weeks: 8 million mature sheep die every year from disease, xposure or neglect. Many people believe shearing helps animals who would otherwise b 2 hot. But in order 2 avoid losing any wool, ranchers shear sheep b4 they would naturally shed their winter coats, resulting in millions of sheep deaths from exposure 2 the cold.” • • Thank you Prince.

A photo posted by Tony Kanal (@tonykanal) on

Please follow Tony on Twitter and Instagram.

Maybe while you are there, you can thank him for being kind to animals and for many years of fabulous music.