Win vegan Easter Eggs

You all love a competition, right?

My friends at Moo Free Chocolates have given me three of their delicious vegan Easters Eggs to give to one of my Twitter followers.

Moo Free make some of my favourite chocolate on the planet, including the bar with caramelised hazelnut fragments. And the one with the vegan honeycomb. And the one with cranberries. And the one…. well, you get the idea. I adore all of their stuff.

So, what do you get if you win this competition?

There is the Original with buttons, the Bunnycomb with buttons, and the Orange with buttons.

You can find these eggs in supermarkets, health food stores and Holland & Barrett outlets around the UK.

Now for the competition.

  1. Draw a celebrity in Easter Egg form (yes, really!). Pick your favourite celebrity and draw a picture of what they would look like as an Easter Egg
  2. Tag @fatgayvegan and @moofreechoccies (and your chosen celebrity if you wish)
  3. Use #WinWithFGV in your tweet
  4. Make sure you attach your picture to your tweet!
  5. Enter as many different drawings/illustrations as you want

One winner will be picked by me following the competition closing at midnight Friday March 24, 2017 GMT. I will be in touch with the winner to grab their postal address, which I will pass onto the company as they will be sending your prize of three eggs. The prize can only be mailed within the UK. If you are outside the UK, please feel free to join in the fun. We could always mail the prize to your friend in the UK.

Follow Moo Free on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This is not a requirement of the competition, it just would be a nice thing to do!

Get going and be creative. Be eggcellent. Be Moo Free.

Don’t already follow me on Twitter? Get busy!