Last chance to enjoy

You all know one of my favourite things to eat in London is the seitan burger from Essential Vegan, right?

Vanessa and her helpers have been serving this gorgeous handheld delight at Pump food market in Shoreditch for the past few months.

If you haven’t already treated yourself, you need to be really fast before they disappear for a while.

Sunday September 13th, 2015 is the final day you will find Essential Vegan in Shoreditch. Following that date, Vanessa will be packing up the kitchen and looking for a permanent location.

Don’t miss out! Get to Shoreditch this weekend.
Don’t forget to order some crunchy polenta fries with your final burger!

Extra note: this photo originally appeared on my Instagram account.

Visit Essential Vegan online, like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and Instagram.

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On the map

I have recently been on and on about the vegan Italian food business housed in a double decker bus. If you have been anywhere near this blog or my Instagram account these past few months, you would have seen me absolutely singing the praises of Just Fab.

The cuisine created by Chef Myra is some of the best vegan food in the country and everybody I ask to join me for a meal on the bus walks away awestruck by the delicious experience.

Just Fab has been trading every Saturday on Shoreditch High Street (you can read my original glowing review here) but the rest of the week left fans of this superstar Italian kitchen high and dry.

But things have changed! The Just Fab bus has a permanent location where it will be serving delicious vegan food all the time. Yep, you can get the best vegan Italian food in London six days a week.

just fab vegan bus london

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Free vegan nachos

The always-popular Club Mexicana has come on board as part of International Vegan Junk Food Day 2015 celebrations.

This mobile vegan food vendor has been winning hearts and tastebuds over the past few years and they show no sign of slowing down. They are impressing people with tacos, nachos and burritos that are all 100% vegan.


One place where they are certainly going down a storm is the Street Feast event at Model Market in Lewisham. Their super cute stall is a hotspot for tasty comfort food lovers.

But what about the free nachos?

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A visit to The Gate Islington

Post by:Click here to follow Josh on Twitter

The Gate is somewhat of an institution in London, dating back to 1989 when their original location in Hammersmith opened. The Islington branch opened its doors more recently in 2012 and benefits from a prominent corner position on St John Street at the end of Rosebery Avenue.


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Incredible menu at Black Cat

International Vegan Junk Food Day 2015 is fast approaching and many restaurants and stores around the planet are lining up deals, offers and special #IVJFD15 menus for the celebrations on Saturday August 29, 2015.


One London-based cafe is coming to the #IVJFD15 party in a big, BIG way.

Check out this stunning vegan menu created by Black Cat Café Hackney for International Vegan Junk Food Day.

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More Than Meat

Do you remember when I wrote about More Than Meat burgers? Sure you do! (If you really don’t, click here)

More Than Meat has been serving up their brand of vegan meat alternatives for several months in Tunbridge Wells but the food vendor has moved on and is now trading once a week in a market situated in Richmond, West London.

I paid Barry and his food stand a visit yesterday, so scroll down and check out some of the tastiness I encountered.

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Gay vegan health spa

I write about some left of centre stuff, but this is a new one even for me. London now has a regular vegan health spa aimed at gay and bisexual men. Yes, that’s right. A vegan/gay spa.

The organiser of S-WET alerted me to the existence of the spa and asked if I could share the information.

S-WET is located in the north London suburb of Wood Green and hosts events on Thursday and Friday nights each week. It contains a sauna, a steam room, a hot tub and relaxation lounges.

What is this about the vegan part?

S-WET bills itself as a vegan-friendly spa. The venue sells and serves vegan food and drink, as well as hosts vegan-specific events. Gay Naked Vegans is one such event that takes place on Friday 18th September, 2015 and is labelled as “an all-you-can-eat s-wet fest”.  The organiser describes this clothing optional get together as a place “to indulge in a piquant and colourful medley of flavours”.

If any of this has raised your interest (ahem), you can check out S-WET online, follow the spa on Twitter or like it on Facebook.

Extra note: As I will not be eating and drinking naked in front of other people, I would love if a reader would go along and file a report for my blog. Go on. You know you want to!

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I idolize you

This is a massive blog post. Actually, scratch that. It is a MASSIVE blog post.

Get your scrolling finger ready and dive head first into this incredibly interesting interview I recently conducted with the fabulous Marc Massive of the band Massive Ego.

We talk music, Boy George, veganism, fashion, love and more.

This is one of my favourite posts in a long time so I’m sure you’ll love the read, too.

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Laugh and drink beer

Breaking news

I am thrilled to announce an exclusive performance by comedian Jack Yapp on the London Vegan Beer Fest stage.

JakeYappJake is a multi-talented writer, producer, performer, voiceover person, dandy, delinquent and dedicated vegan.

Jake works hard to make people laugh, as he will be doing during his residency as part of Camden Fringe in August. Between August 10 and 23, you can check out Jake’s One-Derland show where he picks apart a day in the life of BBC1 in order to examine the future of the Beeb.


Click here to read more about One-Derland and be sure to follow Jake on Twitter.

Jake hits the London Beer Fest Stage at 4pm sharp.

Book tickets for London Vegan Beer Fest by clicking here NOW!

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