Green Party film screening

If you are interested in progressive politics and improving outcomes for everyone on the planet, this news will be of interest.

February 17th, 2015 is the date to pencil into an empty page of your diary for a fundraising screening of environmental documentary, Cowspiracy.

Never heard of Cowspiracy? Watch the trailer.

Screening organiser, Rachel, reached out to me with this comment:

The screening will be on 17th February at Whirled Cinema, Loughborough Junction (very close to Brixton). Tickets are £10, with all profits going to Lambeth Green Party. The aim is for it to be an informal evening that should be a great opportunity for people attending to meet other like-minded people, as well as learning about the environmental impact of the meat and dairy industries. I’m hoping some people will arrive from 6PM, and then stick around after the film for a bit of a discussion about the points raised (the film will be shown at 8PM). We’ll be providing some vegan nibbles, and the cinema has a bar should people wish to buy drinks.

To repeat the basics again: tickets for the screening taking place at the Whirled Cinema in Loughborough Junction are priced at just £10, with funds raised going to the Lambeth Green Party.

Click here to buy your ticket.

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