Go Vegan TV advert

If you have any spare cash (yeah right!), you can help broadcast a new TV advert asking people to consider switching to a vegan lifestyle.

Take a look below.

Viva! Campaigns has produced the spot in the hope of getting people to think about their role in animal production and slaughter.

The advert will run on Channel 4 in the UK just before Valentine’s Day 2022 if the charity can raise enough money via their fundraising campaign. They have already raised more than £25,000 of the £40,000 target.

If you would like to find out more about this campaign and possibly make a donation please click here.

Dairy is crueler than meat

This isn’t going to sit well with a lot of readers but I’ve got something I want to get off my chest.

I believe the dairy and egg industries are responsible for much more harm and suffering than raising and killing animals solely for meat.

I think a meat eater who doesn’t eat dairy or eggs is far less complicit in animal suffering than a vegetarian who consumes dairy and eggs every day.

Read more


Do you know someone who you suspect is sympathetic to the idea of going vegan? You really should introduce them to the idea of Veganuary.

What is Veganuary?

This month long campaign is designed “to reduce the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January”. Not a outcome to be taken lightly!


The idea is simple.

People pledge to only eat vegan food for the entire month of January. They register with the Veganuary website and receive support in the form of recipes, inspiring stories, an eating out guide and even a vegan product directory.

Of course it would be brilliant if every person participating in Veganuary stayed vegan forever, but I think this month-long trial gives people a less threatening opportunity to explore compassionate eating. Maybe some of the people participating in Veganuary wouldn’t try an animal-free diet if they were asked to go vegan instantly and forever. The commitment of just one calendar month could work as the key to getting people to see veganism as a viable option. They come for the month, but a lot of them stay forever.

If you are not vegan, please consider taking part in Veganuary in 2015. Click here to visit the website. You can also like the campaign on Facebook and follow it on Twitter.

If you are vegan, work hard over the coming days to see if you can get friends and family to pledge to take part in Veganuary.

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