Buy vegan beer online

If you are a vegan in the UK and you’ve been to a vegan event, chances are you know about Pitfield Brewery.

Pitfield is a company that is everywhere in the vegan scene.

Whether they are running the exclusive bar at VegfestUK London or driving long distances to serve at small vegan events around the country, Pitfield staff are well known to us plant consumers who enjoy a tipple.

But now you don’t have to wait for Pitfield to roll their kegs into your town as you can shop for beer via their brand new online shop!


All of your favourites are available and you get a discount when you buy 6 bottles. Get one of everything!

Click here to shop online now.

Extra note: Pitfield head brewer Andy is running the beer bar at Manchester Vegan Beer Fest in September, so you can expect quite a bit of their good stuff as well as plenty of local beers. Click here to buy tickets.

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