I get asked a lot of questions as a vegan blogger based in London. People want to know where they can get a fry up, which beers are vegan and who sells the biggest range of plant-based products.
I am usually able to assist but there has always been a question for which I have struggled to determine an answer. People want to know the most vegan-friendly suburb/location/area in the UK capital.
The problem with London is the vast distances you must travel to find vegan food. Catch the Tube to Edgware for one of the best Loving Huts on the planet to understand what I mean. Vegan business are spread far and wide, making it difficult to name the number one spot for plant eaters.
However, there certainly are hotspots popping up around London where a vegan would have no problem eating their fill. Take Brixton, for example.
Following is a collection of vegan food I stumbled across this weekend as I strolled around the iconic London neighbourhood. From make-shift market stalls to one of the most well-known vegan bakeries in the world, Brixton is certainly not short of cruelty-free food options.
The collection below doesn’t even cover everything on offer in Brixton. There is a raw juice bar, a vegan-friendly pizza restaurant, a falafel stall and much more.
Check out the mouthwatering photos and then let me know in the comments your pick for London’s most vegan-friendly neighbourhood!