After such a successful potluck last month, it was getting difficult to believe part 3 could be bigger and better. But guess what? London Vegan Potluck 3 was bigger and better!
The vast array of delicious dishes on offer pushed our tables to the limit. With over 40 fabulous potluckers, there was an incredibly-diverse range of foods to choose from. It got so busy up in there I had to push my way through to the tables at one point.
The centerpiece was two massive trays of meatballs. These delicacies were made possible by the kind folk of the Redwood Wholefood Company. The award-winning, all-vegan food producers supplied us with a generous portion of their meatballs which were turned into Italian and English style dishes by the glorious staff at Ms. Cupcake. The Redwood meatballs are versatile, tasty and chewy. Thank you Redwood. You helped make our event extra special.
Proper gratitude must also be paid to Ms. Cupcake and her staff for all the hard work they put in to helping make the potluck the success it is, as well as allowing their space to be used once a month. A million thanks.
Following are a few photos of just a fraction of the food that was offered up tonight.

Same time next month?
How much fun was today??!?! Thanks so much for this – I had such a great time and I can’t wait for the next one.
It was a blast, yes?!?! What a wonderful way to spend an evening in London.
that all looks amazing!!!! i hope to attend a london vegan potluck someday. <3
you would be a guest of honour!
Had a blast, as usual. thanks for organising it. See you in a couple of months!
Thank you for even more delicious food, Kip. Your seitan was clearly the best dish there.
Thanks, buddy!
Had a lovely time. Still can’t get into the steel container! Lunch looking to be a pop up π
Best wishes
Nishma and Mahersh
Sorry again about your dish! You can rest assured that we were at least entertained by your food. See you next time I hope.
All that good food…all those delicious people!! How did I miss this??!! PLEASE help me to never feel left out again and let me know how I can make sure my sweet self is there next time…
Follow me on Twitter and you’ll never miss out!
Oh my god, I need to be able to come to this soon. I’m in London the first week of August but I have gig tickets every night so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it.
Gigs usually start after 9pm. The potluck runs 6-8pm. You could squeeze us in. xx
What a fantastic evening.The London Vegan Potluck is now a must attend event .
Fantastic food and great company.It just gets better and better
Thank-you to Ms Cupcake and her fabulous crew for hosting us and helping make event what
it is.
Thank-you also to Redwoods for sponsoring this months event and providing those fabulous meatballs and to everyone else that attended and made such wonderful dishes.
Take a bow each and every one of you
Looks amazing! Maybe next time I can run away from my small town for a night and find other real life vegans!!
Thanks for having me and the crazy vegan π We loved it! Here’s a little post I did on the pot luck
whens the next one?
There is a link at the top of my page for the next one. It is always the first Wednesday of the month.