The brand new issue of Vegan Life magazine features an impressive story about vegan beer. As a lover of compassionate drinking, of course I pushed my snout into the article with my views on drinking kindly.
What is not fab is the more-than-unfortunate subheading for the story on the magazine cover. Drink up, lads? Really? I’m not going to try and explain why this is problematic. You get it, right?
The publishers have been grilled on social media about the blatant sexism and rightly so, with the author of the article even expressing his disappointment with the choice of words.
If you can get past that gruesome mistake, Oliver Coningham has compiled a nifty introduction to vegan beer and I want to thank him for including London Vegan Beer Fest in his article.
You can check out Vegan Life online.
Read more about London Vegan Beer Fest 2015 here.

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