Vegan Quarantine: Day 32

Welcome to Vegan Quarantine: Day 32. This daily video series is my way of trying to keep spirits high within the vegan community while also supporting independent business, charities, and musicians.

Links for everything mentioned are included below.

Order vegan cheese from La Fauxmagerie for UK delivery:

Boris Vegan Club is a vegan takeaway and taco place in Mexico City offering food to at risk people or those in need. Please show your support by following on Instagram:…/

Buy homemade chilli oil from Angela of KayKay Food to raise money for Keech Hospice Care. Order via Instagram:

Donate directly to Keech Hospice Care online:

VIDA Bakery is delivering vegan cookies UK wide. Order online and follow them on Instagram:

I am currently extremely low waged and could do with some financial help to pay my bills. If you think my daily videos are worthwhile and/or entertaining, please consider making a small (or large if you are rich) donation:

Music recommendation of the day. Monkey Business by Pet Shop Boys:

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