Plant-Based Minute

I am excited to announce a new and hopefully ongoing collaboration.

I was recently approached by Barts Radio, a charity producing broadcast content for the in-house radio station at Barts Hospital in London, and was asked if I would volunteer with weekly content.

The radio works to deliver entertainment to inpatients, although anyone can stream the station online via their website.

After having a think about what I could bring to the show and how valuable the radio station charity is to a lot of patients, I jumped at the chance to volunteer.

My segment is set to be super quick each week, clocking in at exactly 60 seconds. You can listen to A Plant-Minute with FGV at around 5pm today (Saturday October 8, 2016) here online and hopefully most weeks on Barts Radio. Today I advise on how to start giving up dairy when it comes to ice cream (my expert field!). My segments are designed to be an accessible guide filled with simple advice for people looking to explore veganism.

I will also look at hosting my bite-sized segments online myself in order to share with a wider listening audience. Stay tuned for that.

If you tune in today, I would love to hear what you think of my segment!

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