HUGE Newcastle Vegan Festival this week!

Do you live in Newcastle? Do you live near Newcastle? If you fall into one of these two camps, you have ZERO excuse for not being at the Newcastle Vegan Festival this weekend (Saturday May 7, 2016).

If you are a little further from the Northern city, start thinking about how you are going to get there.

This third annual outing for the festival looks set to be packed solid with chocolate, takeaway treats, free samples, vegan cheese and probably too much good stuff to write about here.

newcastle panel

As well as all things food the Newcastle Vegan Festival will be the place to hear informative talks, meet compassionate friends and watch demos.

All of this fabulousness will set you back only £2 if you are a big person. If you are a younger version of a human, your entry price will be £1.

Get over to the Facebook event for more info, to buy tickets and to let them know you are coming. You can also invite friends via Facebook. Do your part and help make this the biggest and best Newcastle Vegan Festival ever.

south of france cruise

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