Vegan ice cream parlour

Which city has won the Vegan Ice Cream Wars?

According to my buddy Joe, Berlin has just emerged victorious.

Check out what he had to say about this brand new vegan ice cream parlour that has opened up in his Berlin neighbourhood.

I know you’re worried that we don’t have enough vegan places in Berlin, so I thought I’d let you know that while walking along the street the other day, we chanced upon a new vegan ice-cream parlour in our neighbourhood! It’s only been open about a month, but it’s really nice.

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I had one scoop of peanut crunch (which also had some gooey caramel), and one of cookie crunch (featuring smashed Oreos). Jess had an oat and cinnamon, and a scoop of Belgian chocolate too. They were all superb.

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We were so busy salivating over the tubs of ice cream in the chiller, we didn’t notice the menu which featured rather marvellous ice-cream creations! Luckily another customer ordered this spaghetti ice-cream, which is noodled ice cream, strawberry sauce and crumbled white chocolate, in a waffle bowl. It looked amazing, I’m getting one next time, it was only €4.50 or thereabouts!


It seems to have two names – “The Vegan Choice” and “Kontor Eismanufaktur” – but whatever it’s called, I’m glad to have another great vegan place in Berlin!

The address is Danziger Str. 65 (near the corner with Prenzlauer Allee) and their Facebook page is

Thanks, Joe.

Another trip to Berlin in the not too distant future would be just the thing, I think!

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5 thoughts on “Vegan ice cream parlour”

  1. this looks amazing but I am a little worried about the Oreo cookies unless they make them as they have calcium phosphate which I would assume is derived from milk..

  2. the owner of “The Vegan Choice” is a real cheater.. they have cheated the former store owners, who have been very gentle & polite. What a shame!!!

  3. First NYC gets Lula’s Sweet Apothecary (I went there six years ago and still fantasise about it on a regular basis), now this in Berlin… why nothing in London? Come on London! Someone open a vegan ice cream parlour please! It would be sooooo awesome!


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