Check this out.
Looks tasty, right? Keep reading to find out from where it came.
My buddy Kay is the most jet-setting person I know. She had just arrived back to London from a six month stay in Mexico City and was enjoying a few days in the city before packing her bags for a few months in Morocco.
I can’t keep up with the coming and going.
Kay could squeeze me in during her brief London stop, so we decided to head to The Old Ship W6 for a glorious vegan burger on the river. Sadly, we arrived to a line of customers almost out the door and a one hour wait for food.
Our only options in the nearby area were Sagar, Le Pain Quotidien or my house. We opted for LPQ.
The picture above is what Kay fed herself. This platter is called The Botanist and is 100% vegan. She said it was fab.
It certainly isn’t the cheapest option for a weekend brunch at £14+ but like everything I’ve had at LPQ, The Botanist was of a high standard. (It is only available on weekends)
Have you tried this vegan platter?
Yup, tried it. Loved it. Good alternative to the standard fried fare that’s usually served for brunch/breakfast. Very partial to a vegan sausage sandwich or scrambled tofu but not EVERY weekend…plus their bread is just so yummy
Yes, I’ve had it, too. Expensive, but very substantial. I didn’t need to eat for a long time afterwards 🙂
Yeah, but I want to get fat! This is not gonna make me fat! Where’s the fat, man?