So long

Another UK vegan restaurant bows out.

A tweet from Cooking The Vegan Books yesterday alerted me to the fact that one of my favourite places in the UK was closing. As soon as I was informed, I raced to the Dandelion & Burdock website to confirm with my own eyes and was met with the following statement:

dandb closing

As one of the leading 100% vegan eateries in the country, the closing of Dandelion & Burdock is incredibly hard to accept. The Sowerby Bridge kitchen worked hard to bring tasty and creative plant-based dishes to their community.

You can read one of my gushing reviews (with photos) by clicking here. Here is a report of another visit.

Much love and gratitude goes out to the people behind Dandelion & Burdock. I look forward to eating with you again down the road sometime.

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